Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8

See alternate wiring method to PCM at bottom of the page if installing dual mode shift light.

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 Mount shift light

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 Route through grommet in firewall

 Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8and through hole in engine compartment

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 Connect green wire to any coil driver wire

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8(#4 shown here)

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 PCM located on side of fuse box

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 Connect red wire to switched 12 volts at fuse box

Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8

******You can also get 12 volts from red wire on ignition coil above*********


Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8 Completed installation

Set the shift light to "1 cylinder" mode (1/2 PPR)

If installing a dual mode shift light, connect white wire of the shift light to pin #3 of ECM connector C175t (Dark blue wire with yellow stripe).


Alternate wiring method to PCM

There are 3 connectors on the PCM:

C175T on top
C175B in middle
C175E on bottom
Raptor Shift Light Install-Mustang 2005-2010 4.6L/5.4L V8

1) Connect green wire of shift light to coil driver #1:

Pin #17 on PCM, 70 pin connector C175e (bottom connector)(will be on the corner of the connector). Light green wire with white stripe (4.6L) or white wire with purple stripe (5.4L)

2) Connect red wire of shift light to 12 volts switched source:

Pin #35 or #36 on PCM, 50 pin connector C175B (middle connector). Red wire OR grey/orange stripe (4.6L) or green wire with blue stripe (5.4L).

It is recommended to use an inline fuse (1/4 Amp if available) for the red wire of the shift light (but not absolutely necessary).

 3) Black wire of shift light to ground of vehicle.

4) If installing a dual mode shift light, connect white wire of the shift light to pin #3 on PCM connector 50 Pin connector C175t (TOP connector). Dark blue wire with yellow stripe (4.6L) or gray wire with with orange stripe (5.4L).


Set the shift light to "1 cylinder" mode (1/2 PPR)