Raptor Shift Light Install-Firebird

1996 LT1 5.7L Firebirds: tach wire is pin #13 on C1, 32 pin,red connector of PCM, white wire.
If installing the Raptor dual mode shift light, connect the white wire of the shift light to the Vehicle Speed Sensor (Vss) output signal: PCM 32 pin, black connector (pin #8, dark green wire with white stripe).

1998 LS1 5.7L equipped Firebirds: tach wire is pin #35 on blue PCM connector, white wire.

If installing the Raptor dual mode shift light, connect the white wire of the shift light to the Vehicle Speed Sensor (Vss) output signal from the PCM red connector (pin #55, dark green wire with white stripe).

1999-2002 LS1, 5.7L equipped Firebirds: tach wire is pin #10 on red PCM connector, white wire.

If installing the Raptor dual mode shift light, connect the white wire of the shift light to the Vehicle Speed Sensor (Vss) output signal from the PCM red connector (pin #50, dark green wire with white stripe).


For LS1 engines, set shift light to "4 cylinder" mode for 2 pulse/rev (PCM tach out terminal is "2 pulse/rev)

For all other V8 engines, set shift light to "8 cylinder" mode

1998 PCM Pin Assignments

1999 PCM Pin Assignments

2000 PCM Pin Assignments

2001 PCM Pin Assignments

2002 PCM Pin Assignments